
I guess this is where I tell you a little about myself. Well Smoot is what everyone calls me because Smoot is my last name. I’ve done a little bit of everything in the real world as they say. Mainly I made a career out of the hospitality industry and recently the insurance industry. Now more than ever I focus on my online income. I currently make double what I make on my day job online. Which has always been my goal.

Anyhow I hope you find something here that helps you to succeed on the online world. Anyone who tells you it’s easy or there is a magic pill you can take is lying to you. Although you can take any method that someone has made money with and with a few twist and turns you can make it work for you. But like all things it takes work!

So good luck and here is to your success-Smoot

One thought on “About”

  1. Hi,

    I need to contact you regarding an issue with one of the methods, I have tried email but no reply. Whats the best way to contact you please.



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