Whats Up? Checking In and Getting You Updated On My Online Efforts

Hey, everyone, it has been a long time I know. Almost a year to be honest since last April. Anyhow, I have been a very busy man. My dad has been really sick, I’ve started some new projects and still working on old ones, I took some college classes and yes I am still working a day job. So many things going on and so little time.

Anyhow,  I wanted to at least dedicate some time to update this blog and try my best to share info that will help you.  I am still making money with my Chaturbate White Label, I have an Amazon store and blog (just makes pennies) and I also along with my partner started our own Cam Site.

With my White Label, I made $5,000 more last year than I did the year before so my income continues to improve there. I am just focusing on SEO with it at this point. Although according to GFY there is a major traffic leak with Chaturbate white labels, to read more about that click here. I hope Chaturbate gets that fixed and my traffic and leads improve. By the way, if you’re curious about how incorporating roller shutter benefits can enhance security and convenience for your home or business, check out this resource for more information.

Along with a business partner I and he created our own cam site.  It is still really new and we are trying to get traffic to it now. I am going to be honest if your goal is to create your cam site plan to spend massive amounts of money and time on it. It is definitely not easy. Things we didn’t foresee that care issues are processing, finding banks, taxes, models etc., there is more to it than just traffic but most of all that is a huge thing too.  I am learning so much behind the scenes about webcam sites and webcam performers it is a really hard industry to start up into. To be honest I don’t recommend it to anyone and I am not saying that to prevent you from being competition for me. If a few years from now I am making huge money, I will tell you different but for right now I always find a different mountain to climb with it.

I’ve gone back through some old comments and read some people have trouble with hooking a white label up to a DNS so I think in my next article I am going to write a how-to guide on hooking a Chaturbate White Label up to a DNS and as a matter of fact it should help you with any white label so we shall do that next time.

So I gotta get off here and do my thing, I hope I can keep you updated more often but you know how it is. I hope your making money online and I hope you are doing well until next time, so long.



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