My Article Forge Review and Method

So in case you don’t know I usually don’t say to much about the software I use for some of the work I do because I don’t like to share info that would make it harder on me (competition). With this software though it can be used on just about any niche and anything you are doing on the internet to make money so I don’t feel like it is a threat to my niches although I guess it could be but I like this software so much I had to talk about it.

Articleforge Review

The software is ArticleForge. What it does is generate automated content and articles for any of your websites. For example if your niche is “golf” you can put in the keyword box “golf’ and it will generate a automated article of your choosing and size about golf. It even includes images, headlines, and videos if you want it. It is really customizable.

Not only can you use it to write an article for your website, you can have it automated so it will write content everyday! So you choose keywords set how many articles you want a day/week and what wordpress site you want it to go to and it will automatically generate unique articles to that site. If you have a PBN this is a  dream tool to have.

The Down Side of Article Forge

The only downside that I think to using article forge is that sometimes the articles don’t make much since. But long as you are not making these your “main articles” that won’t matter to much. Long as you see it as a way to have filler content that will be fine. Other than that though this equipment will save you plenty of time and money.

Article Forge Method To Think About

If you are not for sure what you want to do with this awesome tool here is a suggestion I have and it is a method I use on my niche sites. I have ahrefs but you can use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. What I do is find low competition keywords in my niche. I then use those low competition keywords in the article automation tool. I make sure to set images and videos. After that I give the articles time to get picked up by search engines. The ones that start receiving traffic and ranking I end up trying to really tighten the articles up and backlink to them. I end up making them my money articles. You can also have the articles that you consider your money articles and use these as filler content to keep your blog updating on a regular basis.


If you are serious about internet marketing in content generation then Articleforge is a must have. The software saves you hundreds of hours and lots of money buying spinned articles. If you are ready to put your blog content on roids then I suggest giving it a try at worst you’ll have a blog full of content. That is not so bad is it? If you have any experience with it or want to know more please comment below. As well you can start using new technology for your business marketing like for example TikTok  but  how does TikTok work?

Click Here To Try ArticleForge

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