I’m Back…For Now Anyways, Well At Least For This Article

So I just noticed it has been almost two years since I last wrote on this blog. You are probably wondering why do I still got it up? Well, I always have good intentions of coming back here and posting my online journey but I always get sidetracked. Also, this site doesn’t make me money so I don’t focus on it too much. If it did you would see me on here every day posting. Anyway, it’s been a wild couple of years but I am still making a full-time living online branching out and trying a few new things and more. In partnership with Casino Classic, I’ve had the chance to delve into a world of thrilling online gaming experiences. Recently, my focus has shifted towards exploring the excitement of Online Casino Games. I’ve had messages from a few people asking when I was going to update, and I had a few minutes. Here we go! And speaking of my online journey, I’ve also been exploring some exciting opportunities in the world of trusted Japanese casinos. If you’re interested in online gaming, you might want to check out some amazing bingo-bonus deals and offers. read more

My Article Forge Review and Method

So in case you don’t know I usually don’t say to much about the software I use for some of the work I do because I don’t like to share info that would make it harder on me (competition). With this software though it can be used on just about any niche and anything you are doing on the internet to make money so I don’t feel like it is a threat to my niches although I guess it could be but I like this software so much I had to talk about it.

Articleforge Review

The software is ArticleForge. What it does is generate automated content and articles for any of your websites. For example if your niche is “golf” you can put in the keyword box “golf’ and it will generate a automated article of your choosing and size about golf. It even includes images, headlines, and videos if you want it. It is really customizable. read more

My Method For Unique Free Content

Hey guys and girls hope everyone is doing well. As usual if I am on here writing all the time and not doing what really makes money than you know I am lying. I haven’t been on here in a while so what does that tell you? Anyhow I know I told you about Expired Article Hunter a few months ago and it used to work well but now it doesn’t work at all. I tried to contact their support team and no one ever answered me back so I gave up on them. That made me really sad too because I don’t like to write especially if I don’t have a big interest in it. So now I have to come up with my own content but I am not a really good writer and if your like me you want to spend your time cashing in and not writing all the time! So I looked at how expired article hunter was built and I thought I could use their system to come up with free articles at least.  Below is my step by step method to get completely free unique content if you have anything else to add please put it in the comment section below because as usual I would like to here about it. read more

Using Twitter Cards To Drive Traffic To Your Website

If you are like anyone else in the internet marketing world the one thing you are wanting is traffic. That’s what we all want isn’t? I recently discovered a way to get more people to my website using twitter. It’s not much of a method but I have saw click through rates go up a lot just using twitter cards and you can uses this to boost your income. If you need the best website advice, then you might want to read review here.

Twitter cards is according to twitter is used to drive more traffic to your website. Have you saw those post on twitter that show a pic and a small description of pic then you click on it and it takes you right to the website? If so  that website uses twitter cards. I just started using it myself and some of my adult websites are using it so I can’t show you an example but you can check out twitter’s link by clicking here. read more

How To Build Links The Easy Way

By reading my blog you can probably guess, I’m not a huge seo guy. I know enough to get by but when it comes to Tier 1 and 2 and all that other stuff I don’t know a lot about it. I guess the reason is the only thing that is stable is quality content with a backlink strategy that links to sites that are of common cause. I’m in the make money online niche and I try to trade with other sites that are in it too. While building links I try to create quality content too.

If you are like me then you try to grab links by searching the big g for blog post similar to yours and you comment and await if they will approve your comment. It sucks because you don’t know if they will approve your comment or not, so you might be doing all that work for nothing. read more

How To Get Free Content

Many times the thing that prevents people from trying to make money online is the fact that they have to have unique content in order to rank and get that targeted traffic we all desire. If you are like me your day is filled with other stuff and the last thing you want to do is come home and write a 1000 word article about fish or whatever niche. So I searched far and wide for the best way to get free content without having to spin stuff that is unreadable and by the time you make it readable you should’ve just wrote it yourself. read more

How To Get Content For Your Blog

Let’s face it some people just don’t like writing. Like me I hate to write to be honest. If I wasn’t trying to make a living out of writing this blog and I didn’t have passion for what I am doing on this website than I wouldn’t even attempt to write. But wonder if you don’t like what you are writing about and there is good money in it? For example “Luxury Homes In Alabama”(There is some a free niche for someone).

I have a few websites that I have been getting original content for and I don’t write anything for them. What I do is outsource it. Let’s face it, it’s either money or time and I don’t want to take the time to write anything for those websites. read more