I’m Back…For Now Anyways, Well At Least For This Article

So I just noticed it has been almost two years since I last wrote on this blog. You are probably wondering why do I still got it up? Well, I always have good intentions of coming back here and posting my online journey but I always get sidetracked. Also, this site doesn’t make me money so I don’t focus on it too much. If it did you would see me on here every day posting. Anyway, it’s been a wild couple of years but I am still making a full-time living online branching out and trying a few new things and more. In partnership with Casino Classic, I’ve had the chance to delve into a world of thrilling online gaming experiences. Recently, my focus has shifted towards exploring the excitement of Online Casino Games. I’ve had messages from a few people asking when I was going to update, and I had a few minutes. Here we go! And speaking of my online journey, I’ve also been exploring some exciting opportunities in the world of trusted Japanese casinos. If you’re interested in online gaming, you might want to check out some amazing bingo-bonus deals and offers. read more

What’s Been Going On With Earnings, Motivation and More

Well guys and girls I know it’s been a while since I’ve wrote on here and I apologize about not writing more. I’ve been super busy with my Chaturbate white labels, my day job and doing “honey do’s” around the house, ha! Anyways I got to check up on this blog and accepting comments and such and I read everyone of them and a gentlemen by the name of Neil wanted to post and show my earnings to motivate. Lucky for Neil and me I’ve been earning more than I ever have . Things have been going above and beyond my expectations with my online income and below I’ll show a pic and more. When things are going as good as they are with my earnings on chaturbate it’s hard to concentrate on this blog so I am sure you understand that. read more

Crakrevenue and Twitter Method That’s Easy To Cash In On

A few months ago I posted my method that is making decent money with Chaturbate. Well there is more than one way to skin a cat! To be honest I use the method I am getting ready to tell you about I use with my white label as well but I think this method would work with Crakrevenue great especially their pay per lead programs. Click Here To Go To Crakrevenue if you want to sign up underneath my referral link.

The four things you will need to do this method:

1 A Twitter Account (It’s Free)

2. A Reddit Account (You guessed it, it’s free too) read more

My Main Method Now: Chaturbate Whitelabel

Last time I wrote I told you what I been into and why I haven’t updated this site. I also told you I was going to reveal to you the method I been working on for the past year that currently is bringing me in $1695 a month!

My Chaturbate Earnings

I’ll be honest though I was hesitant to share this where is adult oriented and I don’t want it to get out what I do to friends and family . Yet adult or porn oriented things are still the most searched subject on the internet so its probably true even though most won’t admit most people are viewing it or looking at it. That makes it one of the most profitable things out there! read more