Using Twitter Cards To Drive Traffic To Your Website

If you are like anyone else in the internet marketing world the one thing you are wanting is traffic. That’s what we all want isn’t? I recently discovered a way to get more people to my website using twitter. It’s not much of a method but I have saw click through rates go up a lot just using twitter cards and you can uses this to boost your income. If you need the best website advice, then you might want to read review here.

Twitter cards is according to twitter is used to drive more traffic to your website. Have you saw those post on twitter that show a pic and a small description of pic then you click on it and it takes you right to the website? If so  that website uses twitter cards. I just started using it myself and some of my adult websites are using it so I can’t show you an example but you can check out twitter’s link by clicking here. read more

Crakrevenue and Twitter Method That’s Easy To Cash In On

A few months ago I posted my method that is making decent money with Chaturbate. Well there is more than one way to skin a cat! To be honest I use the method I am getting ready to tell you about I use with my white label as well but I think this method would work with Crakrevenue great especially their pay per lead programs. Click Here To Go To Crakrevenue if you want to sign up underneath my referral link.

The four things you will need to do this method:

1 A Twitter Account (It’s Free)

2. A Reddit Account (You guessed it, it’s free too) read more