What’s Been Going On With Earnings, Motivation and More

Well guys and girls I know it’s been a while since I’ve wrote on here and I apologize about not writing more. I’ve been super busy with my Chaturbate white labels, my day job and doing “honey do’s” around the house, ha! Anyways I got to check up on this blog and accepting comments and such and I read everyone of them and a gentlemen by the name of Neil wanted to post and show my earnings to motivate. Lucky for Neil and me I’ve been earning more than I ever have . Things have been going above and beyond my expectations with my online income and below I’ll show a pic and more. When things are going as good as they are with my earnings on chaturbate it’s hard to concentrate on this blog so I am sure you understand that.

So in case your wondering what had improved my earnings so much it is creating my own cam site instead of the white label  and putting unique content on it. Google was penalizing me because anyone who knows Chaturbate knows that your white label is not search engine friendly. The robot.txt does not allow you to index anything on the site. So your white label might rank for a while but eventually it will get busted and so will your search engine rankings.

So what I did was create my own website used the cbate api and made my own cam site. After I started running the cams on my site, I started writing unique content too. My web/cam site is ranking for quite a few terms that I am sure you can imagine.

Earning and Motivation For Chaturbate and Other Affiliates

So to some what I made last month (June 2017) might not be much but to me it was the most money I’ve made online and this month I continue to make that much and more. Last money I made a total of $5,337 for the month! I’ve posted the pic below, the reason it says $4,937 and not the $5,337 is because I didn’t have room to show where a guy wired in $2,000 and I got $400 (it shows in other income). SO here is the pic below and trust me if I can get this far anyone can when they apply themselves.

My Chaturbate Earnings and MOtivation






Last month I made a lot more than I do at my day job. Although I am confident this trend will continue I don’t want to quit my day job until I have another source of internet income equal to this in case this goes down. All it would take is for cbate to say I am breaking the terms and it’s over for me and my bills. So I want to make sure I have some back up before I make any moves as far as the day job goes.


Well guys if you got anything to add to this I would love to hear about it. I’m sorry if this seems short it is bedtime where I am at right now and I got to work tomorrow. If you have any stories to motivate or anything to add to this I would love to hear about it. Before I forget I been using a new software called Article Forge that I will have to give you a review of soon. Until next time-Smoot

5 thoughts on “What’s Been Going On With Earnings, Motivation and More”

  1. Great work earning that much with CB – can you tell me how many sites you run and if you do SEO to them all?

    I have started with uploading but get a lot of banning due to using a Team of people who messed up.

    1. do you do porn uploading?
    2. do you run tube sites?
    3. do you run sex blogs?

    I am doing all and would like to know what sort of times before you see a decent income.

    Doing it 1 month now and have only 15 users on CB and no spenders yet 🙁

    I see on GFY forum you needs thousands of visits.


    1. Thanks Dave,
      I have 12 websites but I also use subdomains on some of those so probably like 25 sites all together most of those are automated. I used to uploading but xvideos tightened the whip on that so I couldn’t automate it anymore and figured it wasn’t worth my time. I do have tube sites that autopost from xh. Not sure what you mean by sex blogs? It took me about a year to start seeing income..life changing income about 2 years. 15 users for first month is good 🙂 just remember to reinvest some of your earnings

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