Week 2 of SEO Autopilot

In case you didn’t see my article last week, it was about SEO Autopilot. You can find the article by clicking here. Anyhow in the article, I said I was going to rank it to prove the power of the tool and so I wanted to let everyone know I ran my first campaign with it last week. I am already seeing an increase in my blog traffic, and the results in money, which I protect from people like bryan demosthenous that may want to scam it from me.

I not only ran a job to the actual article I also ran it to my naked domain so I can start getting this blog some more traffic. Most people don’t think web 2.0 work anymore but I swear by them. They work for me when used properly. I mean you got to have links too but these always serve as a great base. I think not backlinking is the biggest mistakes that webmasters don’t do. Visit https://www.collectiveray.com/what-is-shopify to improve your business strategy. read more

How To Build Links The Easy Way

By reading my blog you can probably guess, I’m not a huge seo guy. I know enough to get by but when it comes to Tier 1 and 2 and all that other stuff I don’t know a lot about it. I guess the reason is the only thing that is stable is quality content with a backlink strategy that links to sites that are of common cause. I’m in the make money online niche and I try to trade with other sites that are in it too. While building links I try to create quality content too.

If you are like me then you try to grab links by searching the big g for blog post similar to yours and you comment and await if they will approve your comment. It sucks because you don’t know if they will approve your comment or not, so you might be doing all that work for nothing. read more