[DAY 1] Welcome to The 30 Day Coaching Program

Welcome and thank you for joining!

You have made a great decision in joining me to change your income and marketing future.

Over the course of the next 30 days I am going to  teach you how to get the most out of every single product you launch, build a massive buyers list, and finally make some SERIOUS money.


It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced internet marketer or a complete newbie.  Everything you need to succeed will be taught to you email by email. Create a new folder in your email account so you can save each days lesson and refer back to older lessons when needed.

Since we are going to be working together, let me tell you a little about my background and experience.

My name is Chris as you might or might no know. I am currently a school teacher but I am going to retire this year at the ripe old age of 36 thanks to Internet Marketing. I didn’t start making money until last year until someone showed me what I am getting ready to show you. I felt like a dog chasing his tail and I didn’t get know where for a long time. I spent more time trying to cheat the system instead of just doing the right thing. I had my first $1,000 dollar day June of last year and you will too shortly. But this is not about me this is about you so……

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s begin, shall we?

The end goal of all this is to stop purchasing courses and stop giving your hard earned money to others who had an idea and created a product based off their idea.  YOU are now going to be the person coming up with ideas, creating the products, and selling your products to those people who are addicted to buying WSOs and marketing reports.

It’s all about creating quality products as fast as you can.  The key to doing this is to simply get started.  You won’t make it anywhere if you don’t get started. It’s important that you understand that each product launch you do doesn’t have to be PERFECT.  Many people never release a product because they spend too much time trying to make everything perfect before they launch it.  It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to meet a need.


It takes A LOT of work to create and launch a product that does over 1,000 sales. But it is relatively easy to create a product that does 100 sales. So why not quickly create 10 products that do 100 sales instead of spending months trying to create a product that does 1,000 sales? That’s not to say your product won’t reach 1,000 sales, because it very well might!  I have seen it time and time again.

 Get Over 100 Video Lessons Here<<<<<<<<<<<

The more WSO’s you launch, the more likely you are to make something like that happen, but the cool thing is if it doesn’t happen you will still be successful because you aren’t dependent on it. 100 sales is relatively easy when you follow the steps I am going to lay out for you.


Hope you are excited about getting started! Today for your homework I want you get an account set up at the Warrior Forum, Warrior Plus, JVZoo, Facebook and Fiverr You are going to be using those to help run your new business.


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