[DAY 15] Outlining Your Sales Letter Part 2

As you continue to work on your sales letter, a few points to keep in mind with the Warrior Forum.

First: No income claims are allowed. You can’t tell readers that they will make $XXX amount of dollars in a certain period of time.

That would go for exact number of subscribers someone could get or website traffic or rankings. You can say this will help you get subscribers, higher rankings or website visitors, but no exact numbers allowed.

Second: Blind sales copy that doesn’t explain what the buyer actually will learn or the method taught, is not allowed.  If you are confident in what you are teaching and it works, you should have no problem helping people making an educated decision to buy.

If you have to trick or hide what you are teaching to get buyers, this won’t make for a good experience for either of you with increased refund rates and buyers who don’t trust you and unlikely to buy affiliate offers you recommend.

Third: You need to have a clearly stated refund policy. No matter how good your report it, you are going to get a small number of refund requests. This happens to all of us so don’t freak out when you get your first.  Here is a simple refund policy you can use that helps keep serial refunders at arms length.

Done for you websites that will  make you easy money<<<<<

“Use the methods taught in the report for a full 30 days. If you don’t get results as taught, contact me for a full refund. Thank you!”

Then if a buyer hits you with a refund request, kindly ask them for examples of what they did during the past 30 days and see if you can help them before issuing a refund. After you reply to their refund request, 90% will just move on and not even bothering to try to get their money. Win for you!

Fourth: You need to include contact information for support. For this just use your email address from a domain. Do not use a free email provider like Gmail or Hotmail. Keep it professional with your new business.

For homework continue to work on your sales letter and make sure you addressed the coaching points from today’s lesson. By tomorrow it should be about complete and take another look at it for edits or areas of improvement.



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