[DAY 17] Setting Completion Goal and Launch Date

Congrats for making it this far! A large portion of people who say they want a real online business aren’t willing to put in the work with product creation. Those that can and aren’t afraid of a couple hours researching and writing every night, are the ones that go onto the $100 a day level and beyond very quickly.

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By now your report and sales letter should be completed. You still have time to make minor edits here and there but you need to keep moving forward to your launch date. Even though there are less than two weeks left in the coaching emails, choose a date outside of 2 weeks, especially if this is your first report.

That will leave room for lessons that take you more than a night to complete or if you need a night off or two to spend time with the family. I know life can get in the way but keep your end goal in mind.

If you are working a day job, have your first launch on a weekend so you are present should anything be needed or launching in the late afternoon after you get home for the day.  Pick a day? Good! Write it down and stick it on the wall next to you!

You’ve set a launch date! CONGRATS!!!

Because not many will make it to this point. You’ve taken action and made it this far…but now you need to bring it home!

Now that you’ve done the writing, it’s time for the technical and relationship building side. This is often where the biggest learning curve takes place. I can tell you its worth it! Once you do this once, the technical set up won’t be a worry anymore and it will take literal minutes for each.

Once you’ve established relationships with other product creators and your buyers, those too will last for a long, long time and build the real base of your new business.

For homework tonight, pat yourself on the back for a good well done and get yourself pumped up for the next steps. If you need more time on your report or sales page, work in one power 45 minute block and then take some time off and get outside!










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