[DAY 18] Putting Together Your Pages

I hope you are ready for some work! This is by far the longest daily lesson. Get yourself a cup of coffee and follow through step by step to get this done. Ready? LETS GO!

For the start of the technical side, you are going to start to put together your pages. Open up a spreadsheet so you can keep this organized and copy your URLs down.

You need to create an OTO sales page and download page.

On Day 3 I asked you to buy a domain name and get hosting for it. On that domain you will need to install WordPress and use the installed basic theme unless you upgraded to one of the templates I told you about. If you need help with any of this, please use YouTube for tutorial videos. I use it all the time when I run into a tech issue.

Let’s start with the download page. This is where your customer will access their product and a whole lot more.

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You Need Multiple Download Pages

You will have your front end product and 1 OTO.  You will need a download page for people who just purchase the front end product and a download page for people who purchase both the front end product and the OTO.

Putting Together Your Front End Download Page

The first download page you create is going to be the download page for your front end product.

Create a new page inside WordPress and name it ‘FE Download’. Copy the URL into your spreadsheet. Below are the components it should include:

A “Thanks For Purchasing” Headline

I always have my headline say something along the lines of “Thanks For Purchasing! You Can Access Your Purchase Below”

A Linked Image To The Product

After the headline, I like to place an image to the product and link to image to the actual product. In this case my image is linked directly to the PDF page.

“Click Here To Download” Text

Underneath the image I like to place some text there that say “Click Here To Download (product name)”. You will upload your report into WordPress via ‘Add New Media” and then use that newly created URL as the download link.

Instructions On How To Contact You

You ALWAYS want to make sure you leave instructions on how they can contact you if they have any questions about the guide or if they are having trouble accessing the purchase.

The reason you want to do this is because if you don’t you will have customers asking questions on your WSO thread and trust me when I say that gets really annoying.

If you want to just leave your email address, that’s completely fine. However, I recommend you install OS Ticket on your site so you can actually create a support desk.  This looks MUCH more professional and it helps you keep more organized when it comes to handling support.

You can download OS Ticket for free here: http://osticket.com/editions You want the Self Hosted version.

A “Bonuses” Section

You will be giving away other products on your download page for free. It is extremely important to include a bonus section on your download page for two reasons.

First off, it makes your customers happy.  When they see the bonuses section they will feel like they are getting a lot more “bang for their buck”, because they are!  You are giving them 3-4 bonuses that are products they would normally have to pay for, but they are getting them for free.

The second reason you want to do this is because it helps build relationships with other product creators and affiliates, and in return they will help you out when you launch by mailing and returning the favor with you getting a bonus link on their launch.

Understand that the money is in the buyers list.  A buyers list is possibly the most powerful asset you can have in internet marketing. And this helps you build it very fast especially between launches.

But how does this help them build their buyers list?  When you give away someone’s product for free, they are going to create a unique squeeze page for you, and on your download page you are going to link to that squeeze page.  In order for your customers download that free bonus gift, they have to enter their email address on that squeeze page.

A “Products I Have Bought and Recommend” Section

This section isn’t a requirement, but we strongly urge you to include a recommended products section on your download page because it will help you squeeze out some extra cash on each launch, so there is really no reason to not include it.

Include products that are related or offer additional sources to what you teach.  Never recommend a product that is complete crap. Obviously you are going to leave your affiliate links so when they click on the products you will get credit for the sale.

A Signature and Picture

I like to end my download pages by included a virtual signature and a picture of myself so people can put a face to my name. Just Google search “online signature creator” and a lot of sites will come up that let you generate a cool looking online signature.

Putting Together Your OTO Download Page

Putting together your OTO download page is simple. It is going to be COMPLETELY identical except you are going to have a download link to both the front end product and the OTO.

Everything else on this page is completely the same. If you have multiple OTO’s (which is something you will learn when you are a little more advanced), you are going to create a download page for each OTO you have.

I would name this ‘fe plus oto download’ and then copy the URL into your spreadsheet.

Creating Your OTO Sales Page

Your OTO sales page is what the buyer is redirected to automatically after purchases your front end report. This is done automatically by Warrior Plus. Create a new WordPress page and name it ‘oto-offer’ and copy it into your spreadsheet.


On this page is a large “Thank You For Picking Up “NAME OF REPORT”! Check Out This Special Offer” and then your sales video. Beneath the sales video is the “Buy Button” and “No Thanks” button, both given to you by Warrior Plus and we will add those later.


Your video will be created in a couple days after you create the OTO. Tomorrow I am going to teach you a few simple and quick methods. But for today when creating this page, just embed and YouTube video as a placeholder.


You have some homework to do as you can see. YouTube and Google search will be your best allies should you run into set up trouble. Keep it simple and just the basic elements that I spoke about. Clean and simple is most effective and preferred by buyers.


Have fun and talk tomorrow!


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