[DAY 20] Create Your OTO Offer

Your OTO or one time offer is what your new buyer is redirected to after they purchase your front-end offer (FE). This will be priced at $9.00 and your goal is 30% of people who buy your front end report, to also buy your OTO.

$3,460.25 In 24 Hours? Hurry While This Last<<<<<<<

There are several options for creating an OTO and decide what works best for you.

  1. Video Training
  2. Case Studies
  3. PLR Content
  4. Additional Sources
  5. Leveraged Content

The easiest is to create video training in most cases. You simply record your screen using Camtasia or Screencast-O-Matic (Free trials for both btw) and walk the buyer through your modules. If you are teaching traffic methods, record your screen as you walk through each website you are using for traffic.

If on list building. Walk your buyer through uploading their squeeze page and connecting the Auto Repsonder.  OTO just needs to add value to the front end report, its not an additional report or anything that requires you to spend hours and hours on.

Cases studies would be live examples of ways to use the method you are teaching or complete campaigns or keyword lists.  If you aren’t using the method taught yourself, this will be a tough one.

PLR content can be used if you are teaching list building and need giveaway reports. Buy some PLR packs and bundle them to include as an example.

If your report is something along the lines of “5 traffic sources” or “5 places to sell articles” etc… including an OTO of an additional 5 sources can lead to high conversions. You don’t need to put as much work as you did in the FE, but give them the details they need to use the additional sources in a short PDF.

Leveraged content is when you use your past work as an OTO. Once you have a few WSOs completed, you can offer past reports bundled as an upsell and the buyer is saving money vs buying them one by one. This is popular and easy once you have past work.

For homework choose an OTO that you will be using for your FE report. Video training, PLR content and Additional Sources are the 3 easiest to choose from if this is your first report you will be selling.

You can also search in Warrior Plus as an affiliate and look at similar products to your own. When you request a link for approval, it will bring up the list of OTOs that are included and this is a simple research method to see what other product creators are using.


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