[DAY 23] Uploading Your Offer to Warrior Plus

You have your product ready, you have your sales copy written, now it’s time to upload your product to WarriorPlus.  Go through step by step and when you are done, submit a support ticket to W+ and ask them to check over your offer to make sure it’s set up correctly. They are happy to help!

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Uploading The Products

You are going to start off by uploading both your front end product and your OTO to WarriorPlus, then once you upload both the products you bring the two products together by creating what’s called an “Offfer”

To upload the products, start off off by going to http://WarriorPlus.com.

Once there click on “Vendors” up at the top:

Now on the right side you will see a green button that says “Create New” Go ahead and click on that button.

Once you click on that something will pop up right under it asking if you want to create a new Offer or Product, go ahead and choose “product”

That will bring you to a page where you need to fill out all your information.  Right now don’t worry about your OTO, all the information you fill in will be for your front end product.

Let’s go through this section by section. The first section is Product Details Here’s what to fill in for each part:

Product/Sale Type: Keep it on Buy Now/Single Product

Product Name: Type name of your product

Delivery File: Don’t do anything here

Delivery URL: Leave the link to your download page for the front end offer

Content Type: Choose whatever type your product is. For most of you it will be eBook

Sale Notification: Personally, I like to leave this off. But if you want to get notified with each sale feel free to tick this on.

Refund Period: Choose “0” and see the “Modified Refund Policy”  in the files tab in the group.

Product Image: Upload an image to your product

Keywords: Choose 3 keywords that fit your product well.

Limit Sales: Leave that blank

Support Email: Write your support email here

Support URL: If you installed OS Ticket on your site, put the link here

Stand Alone WSO: Leave that off

The next section is Payment Methods:

Regular Price: Leave this blank

Sale Price: 4.00

Increase Price by:  0.05

…Every: 1 sale

Max Price: 9.95

These are the exact pricing details I recommend for just about every single product launch. Once you get that filled in, you can move onto the next section, Email/Webinar Integration.

Just click on the Connect Service button. Then a pop up will appear and all you have to do is select your auto responder company and then your list. If this is your first time doing this they will give you instruction on how to set it up for the first time.


The next section is “Advanced Integration”.  Leave this as is. We will not be using it.

The next section is “Affiliate Program”. This is EXTREMELY important

Commission Rate: Always choose 100% for your commission rate for the front end.

Affiliate Info: Just write a little note to the affiliate who are interested in promoting the product

Affiliate Program Accelerator: Tick the button to turn it on.

Deal of the Day Eligible: MAKE SURE THIS IS ON!!!!!

Warrior+Plus Commission: 100%

Warrior+Plus Access Info: Just leave the link to your download page

Now just click the blue “Save” button.

Alright, you just added your front end product. Now it’s time to add your OTO. I am going to go off the assumption that you will only have one OTO. If you have multiple, just do this exact thing for each OTO you have.

The majority of the steps for adding your OTO are the same as they were for your front end, so instead of telling you everything to do again, I am just going to show you what’s different.

Start off by clicking on the “Create New” button and then select “Product” just like you did for the front end product.

The “Product Details” Section

In the “Product Details” section, fill out everything exactly how you did with your front end product except put in the details for your OTO product instead of your front end.

For the delivery URL, paste in your OTO download page.

Payment Method

Select the same PayPal email address you did in your front end.

Pricing Details

Your pricing details will look like this:

Just a $9.00 flat fee. No dimesale on the OTO.


There is no need to integrate your autoresponder account with your OTO because the buyers are already being added to your account when they purchase the front end.

Advanced Integration

No need for this so just leave it alone.

Affiliate Program

Offer 50% commission. Everything else is the same as your front end product.

Warrior+Plus Settings

Give them 50% commissions as well and then for the Warrior+Plus Access Info leave your OTO download page.

Once you finish that go ahead and click the blue “Save” button

Creating Your Offer

Now that you have uploaded your front end product and your OTO. It’s time to bring the two together and create what’s called an “Offer” so WarriorPlus knows to send people to your OTO after they purchase the front end product.

To create an Offer, just head over to WarriorPlus.com and click on the “Vendors” tab at the top.

Then click on the green button again that says “Create New” but this time select “Offer” instead of product:

That will bring you to the “Create Your Offer- Step 1 of 2” page.


Title: Make this whatever the name of your product is.

Description: Simply and briefly describe your product

Keywords: Enter three keywords. You can use the same ones you did when setting up the products

Product Image: Upload your product image

Public: Make sure this is on.

Now click the blue “Create” button.

That will bring you to a page that looks like this:

Salespage Type: External

Salespage URL: You will be launching this on the WarriorForum, but you don’t have your WSO thread URL yet.  So right now just put in a placeholder URL. In this example I just put http://WarriorForum.com

WSO Post: Leave that as it is

Prelaunch Option: Leave that as it is

Allow Affiliates: Make sure this is On

Affiliate Information: I just write the exact same thing I did for my description on the previous page

Affiliate Updates List: Ignore that

Affiliate Program Accelerator: Make sure this is on.

Now click on the “Create” button. That will bring you to the “Offer Pages” screen.

Click on the button that says “Add A Product”.  You can click on the blue one where the arrow is pointing to or the green one, doesn’t matter.

Once you do that, this will pop up: “Add Product to ‘Main Page’

Select your FRONT END product from the drop down menu and click “Save”.

Once you do that the page will now have your Main Page offer with your FE product listed inside. Next Click on the “+” button next to your product name to add your OTO offer.

Once you click on that, “Create New Page” will pop up.

Under the “Name” Just right the name of the product + OTO. Then where it says “Sales Page URL” just put in the sales page for the OTO that is already done.

Once you click the save button, that will take you back to the original page and go ahead and click on “Add a product” where the arrow is pointing. Choose your OTO from the drop down menu. For the Upsell and Downsell page, leave those as they are. Put the commission rate to 50% and put leave Commission Bump off.

Now click the green “Save” button.  Once you do that the page should have your FE product and OTO listed. Then you can activate the offer and choose the day and time that you are scheduled to launch. Don’t select “Activate Now.” If this is your first time using W+, it will take up to 24 hours for approval. You won’t have to wait for approval on future products, it will be instant.

We are almost done here today, just need to get the code for the “Buy” button and “No Thanks” link to add to your OTO sales page. Open that page back up in WordPress and click “Get Code” from your W+ offer dashboard.

Make sure it’s on “HTML” which it is by default, and then copy the “Button Code” and paste it in on your sales page where you want the Buy Now button to be.

Once you do that you need to get your “No Thanks” link.  This is the link that people click on when they don’t want to purchase your OTO and want to be taken straight to the front end product that they just purchased. It is a requirement to have a “No Thanks” button on your OTO sales page.

To do this, just click on the “No Thanks Link” next to the “Button Code” which you were just on. Once you do that it will look like this:

Grab the HTML link code and paste that on your site.

Once you paste that on your site, click the orange button underneath the offer to confirm that the codes are working and the (!) button will turn green. If it turns green you are all set up and ready to go!

For homework today I want you to take the time to get your offer all set up in Warrior Plus. They have a fantastic support team so if you run into trouble and especially after you complete this for the first time, submit a support ticket and have them look everything over for you.




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