[DAY 24] Submitting Your WSO Thread

Today you are going to submit your sales thread to the Warrior Forum. When using Warrior Plus to handle transactions, you can’t submit directly but need to go to this URL:


Save that someplace safe for future use as they hide that link now wanting sellers to use their own processing platform.

Copy and paste your sales letter into the new thread from your word doc. That’s the easy part and now time needs to be spend formatting and styling your sales letter using the editor the WF provides.

From your product research you saw other top selling products and their text based sales letters. Keep the sales page clean and simple to be most effective.

Font size should be ‘4’ except for your header intro which can go up to ‘8’ and in Red font.

Remember to use bold, underline and italicize for a work in each sentence to make it stand out.

Use proper spacing between lines to make it easy to read and lengthen.

Do not put your “buy now” buttons in yet. Those will go in once your WSO is actually live. For now just put placeholders <<INSERT BUY BUTTON>> so you remember where to quickly put them.

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To add any images, you’ll need to upload the image first to your WordPress site where you have your OTO sales page and download pages already hosted. Grab the new URL for the image and paste inside the image box when clicked.

Take your time on this. It may take you up to an hour your first time making sure everything is laid out correctly and easy to read. You can preview changes over and over again before submitting the thread. Once the thread is submitted, no changes may be made until the WSO is live.

After submittal, it can take up to 48 hours for approval. You’ll get an email with a payment link to pay the $20 to activate your WSO. Do not pay the $20 via PayPal until you are ready to launch.  In 3 days the coaching email will walk you through all the steps to do on launch day.

For homework, continue to work on your sales letter and get it submitted to the WF. Talk to you tomorrow!


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