[DAY 26] Organization Day

It’s getting close to the big day your product goes live! If you feel a little nervous, that’s a good sign! You are excited and you should be. It’s a big step to go from buyer to seller and one you won’t regret. Let’s walk through a few things you need to check on to make sure everything is good to go for launch day.

  1. Review copies: Have you handed out at least 10 review copies and reminded them that you go live tomorrow?
  2. Download Links: Double check your links to make sure the product and OTO download.
  3. Warrior Plus: Everything except the WSO URL should be in place and ready to go. Once live, you will edit that URL and tomorrows email will walk you through all that.
  4. Affiliates: There is never a bad time to get out and meet more affiliates and promo your launch. If you have time, post in the Facebook JV groups and continue to introduce yourself online to more product creators.
  5. Warrior Forum: Continue to post in the WF and get your post count up and face seen. If you have a signature link in the WF, once live edit the URL and text to drive traffic to your new WSO.
  6. Approval: Your WSO thread and WarriorPlus listing should both be approved. Do not pay for your thread to go live yet or activate your Warrior Plus listing. Tomorrow’s email will walk you through those steps.

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For homework go through these steps and tomorrows coaching email will go through the most exciting day of this process, the day your WSO goes live!


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