[Day 3]-Setting Yourself Up For Success

Since you are going to be building a real business over the course of the next 30 days there are some tools you will need now and some to consider to make your life easier once you grow and get a few products out in the market.  If you have been in IM for a while, you probably already have some of these.

  • Email Auto-Responder: You need an AR to collect email addresses of your buyers and then email out updates, content and marketing tips and finally affiliate offers and emails about your new products to your buyers. Email marketing is where most of your upcoming revenue will come from.

Get Response has a 30 day Trial which is great starting out or you can also use Aweber. They are about the same at 99% of all marketers use one or the other.

  • Webhosting: You will need a place to host your website that has Download Pages, One Time Offer Pages and even sales pages down the road. I use Host Gator for this and you can use their cheapest hosting package at $3.95 a month.


  • Domain Name: Pick this up at either GoDaddy or NameCheap. Something generic with your name is great. This is where you will host your OTO sales page and download pages. Example: IMmarketingwithSteve.com or SteveIMmarketing.com.


  • WordPress: WordPress is a free platform and when I started, I just used free themes to create all my needed pages. If you want to upgrade now, Optimize Press or Profit Builder are two themes that made sales pages, download pages, bonus pages and OTO pages a breeze.


  • Warrior Forum: You’ll need an account here if you don’t already since you will be selling your products in the Warrior Special Offers section of the forum. Before launch of your first product I want you to have at least 100 posts. If you are starting from ZERO, that’s 5 a day for the next 20 days while you work on completing your product. Get in there and start letting potential buyers see your face.


-On that note also, make sure you aren’t using a strange screen name. Using your real name is preferable as it builds trust and use a real head shot of yourself. Don’t have one? Take one with your phone or webcam and get it up!


Those are the only tools we are going to be using for this entire process. Told you this would be simple!


For your homework tonight, sign up for an auto-responder, webhosting, set up the basic wordpress install on your new domain name and get posting in the Warrior Forum.


Learn How To Get Rich Selling Other People’s Stuff<<<<<


See you again tomorrow!


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