[DAY 4] Let’s Get To Work And Start The Research

Time to really get to work on your report. The middle part of the coaching is where the most work is but also where you will learn the most. Over the next few days you are going to come up with TEN WSO ideas.


I know what you are thinking…”I don’t even have one yet and now you want me to come up with ten!”


Don’t worry, I am going to show you a few different ways to do this and taking the time to come up with ten ideas now will save you time down the road since you will keep referring back to this product research document to grab an topic for your 2nd and beyond WSO.


Now head over to the Warrior Forum and go to the Main Discussion area.


Once you are inside the Main Discussion area, just browse around and look for a “trend” of questions. Once you start to see a common theme, just write it in a Spreadsheet and then write down the number of times you saw that topic discussed. For example, if you notice “traffic generation” is being discussed a lot, then write down “traffic generation” in your spreadsheet and put a “tally” next to it each time you see it come up.  So if you saw traffic generation get brought up 7 times, you should have 7 tallies by it.

See How He Made Over $10,000 In One Month!<<<<<<<<<<


Once you go through the main discussion area, head over to the Warrior Special Offers section and do the same thing.



Plenty of new WSO’s are being released every day.  Go through that section and find some common themes in there.  Trends in WSOs and topics that people need answers on come and go so when doing this research, only go back 3-4 pages at the most.


This might take you a couple hours the first time but it is worth it because you want to tie your product into what is HOT and trending right now or is an evergreen topic that comes up over and over again through time.


For your homework tonight, do your initial product research in the forum and then also continue to post replys and contribute to get your post count up.

Have some fun and talk tomorrow!


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