Get The Honey App and Get A Domain/Web Hosting Dirt Cheap !

I was surfing the web the other day like I always do for new methods and such and I came across this neat app called Honey. It works by installing on your tool bar and every time you shop for something it hunts for coupons so you can get the lowest cost possible.

So you probably wondering besides clothing, how can this app help us that are trying to make a living online? Well here is the cool part/method that will save you money:

1. First go to JoinHoney.comĀ 

2. Download the app on for your Chrome or Firefox Browser.

3. Go To Godaddy.comĀ lately I been picking a domain name for a year and getting the economy webhosting.

4. When you go to the check out page you will see the honey app is lighting up orange. Click It and press apply coupons.

5. When it’s said and done it should only cost you $12.00 for a whole year of hosting and a domain!

That is one awesome deal on hosting and a domain. So if your thinking about making a website I suggest using the honey app and save some money on a domain and web hosting. This saves you over $50 bucks! So go check it out!


To Your Success,


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