Subject: [DAY 10] Writing Your First Draft

If you only have a couple hours a night to work on your report, you should be able to complete your first draft in no more than a couple nights. Writing is a skill and writing reports will get faster the more you do.

Let’s take a look in more detail of what needs to be included in your report.

On Page 2 you need a legal disclaimer. Here is one you can copy and use for your report:

Disclaimer: This report makes no warranties or guarantees express or implied, as to the results provided by the strategies, techniques, and advice presented in this report. The publishers of this report expressly disclaim any liability arising from any strategies, techniques, and advice presented in this report. The purpose of this consumer report is to educate and guide. Neither the publisher nor the author warrant that the information contained within this consumer report is free of omissions or errors and is fully complete. Furthermore, neither the publisher nor the author shall have responsibility or liability to any entity or person as a result of any damage or loss alleged to be caused or caused indirectly or directly by this report.

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In your welcome message include a photo of yourself. Buyers want to know you are a real person! Also include this photo in your ending thank you message with CONTACT INFORMATION. If people have questions, you want them to email you instead of posting support questions in the WSO sales thread.


Thank the reader for buying and tell them how they made a great decision to pick up your report. Briefly recap what they are going to learn from reading and results that they may get.

Also share a little bit about yourself and your experience in IM and how what you are going to teach them has helped you out in your IM business.

For each module, they do not need to be more than 2-4 pages each. The report should be written knowing it is for beginners, not advanced marketers, so keep your audience in mind. Simple, actionable tips and methods. It doesn’t have to be underground methods or something brand new to the market.

Images and screen shots especially increase value of the report in the buyer’s minds and also make it easier to convey your message.

To take screen shots and add all those fancy arrows and notes over the image, use Greenshot. It’s completely free and very beginner friendly to use.

For homework, continue to work on your draft, filling in the outline with your research and working on your Welcome Message and Introduction.

Tomorrow I will go over the Conclusion and Thank You sections.



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