Welcome To Make Money With Smoot

I would like to say thank you and welcome to my very first blog post at Make Money With Smoot. My name is Chris Smoot but everybody calls me Smoot. In this first post I will just tell you a little about myself and what my plan is here at Make Money With Smoot.

I am small town West Virginia boy that currently works 9-5 like most people. The only difference is that I am also a part time internet marketer. In 2009 I was in a job that kept me stressed to the max and thought “there has to be something better?” I saw somewhere where Facebook made so much money that year and I started looking into how they made money then it lead me into seeing how I could make money. A few years later and a lot less money (buying everything that promised gold) I am finally starting to see profit.  Last month (March of 2014) between all my different projects online I brought in close to $800 from online work. I am not rich from it but I am not broke either. Now I am just scaling what’s working (we will talk about scaling later on). It’s not as easy as most “Gurus” will tell you there is no get rich formula but it’s not that hard either. It just takes hard work.

At Make Money With Smoot my plan is to show others how I make money online and how they can do it too if they apply their self.  I want you to know where I’ve tripped and where I have succeeded. Hopefully I get the time to at least give you a few updates per week on what methods I am using, what’s working, what’s not working etc. and lead you in the right direction if you are serious about making money online.

I also want to be serious with you about the kind of money I am making online. If it ain’t working than I want to be honest with you about it. Why should I tell you something is making me $1,000’s of dollars and it is not. I found honesty to be the best policy.

I hope you enjoy it here and I hope I can be of help to you on your journey. If you got any questions I have a contact form on my contact us page. Feel free to drop a line and let me know what you think and any suggestions. I look forward to growing my online business with you. -Chris

2 thoughts on “Welcome To Make Money With Smoot”

  1. Hi Smoot, from Chile, Luis:

    I would like to know if you have some “secret” or way for to get money.
    I am trying now with CPA, ¿do you have some experiencie?.


    1. There really no secret to making money. You find something that is valuable that a lot of people want. I usually look at game hacks, cheats, music. etc. I then find a way to put a link or content locker on it. Your only problem now is traffic. Make youtube videos about your hack, cheat , music. Keep making videos until they start getting hits. You can make one video and hope it goes viral but more than likely it won’t. You got to make plenty of videos. One way I’ve done this is take two videos and put them together or heavily edit a video so it looks like my own (That’s kind of gray hat). Another way is to go to forums based on your hack (for example you have a grand theft auto hack, go to grand theft auto forums) and participate with your link locker as your signature. Another way is make a word press site around your hack and post two to three times weekly until you start seeing rank.

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