How To Make Money With Clickbank

There is several hundreds of ways people make money online. One of the best and oldest ways to make money online is by using Clickbank. Clickbank is a website that hooks up vendors (people who have a product) with affiliates(people who sale products). Vendors mostly sale digital products meaning they don’t have no overhead. In this article we will look at ways you can make money with Clickbank.

The best way to make money with Clickbank is by being a vendor or in other words making your own product. Can you solve a problem? Than you can sell the solution on Clickbank? Your probably thinking well if it is that easy why ain’t I doing it. I have in the past, I had a diet plan that I sold on there but I didn’t know how to work with other vendors to cross promote so it didn’t have many sales. One thing that draws people away from being a vendor on Clickbank is that they think they have to be an expert. That is not true.  There are thousands of PLR products and ebooks, that you can add more info too, repackage and resell as your own. Do you know how to great rid of acne? Well you get the picture, there is a few more steps but that is for another post.

One way to make money with Clickbank is by PPC. Personally, I have never had any luck with PPC. I’ve read on some forums that people have made thousands this way. It’s all a matter of split testing. Meaning trying different ads and keywords. Also it’s hard to sell Clickbank products with Google Adwords. Google is not that fond of Clickbank. There is other ad networks though but I am not recommending anything that I haven’t used.

Another way to make money on Clickbank is by making a review site about a Clickbank product. For example, make a review site for 5 Figure Day called The 5 Figure Day Review. You would be surprised how many people make money this way. When you make a review site you are getting people who are already interested in the product but they are looking for a little more to give them the push to buy. If your honest with people about products and give an honest review and use the right keywords you can make a ton of money this way.

The last way I like to make money with Clickbank is by sending solos to my list. Most products on Clickbank anymore have affiliate programs where they have Solo ads (email messages) that you can send out to your list. Even though most of them are pretty good, honesty is the best policy.. If you don’t know nothing about a product why would you want to sale it to the most valuable asset you have, your list? Try buying the product, see if it works, if it does, great sale it to your list, if it doesn’t, why throw garbage at people? Build a relationship with your list, and offer them good products from Clickbank. The best part about a list is that you have several opportunities to sale a good product unlike PPC where you only have one chance.

I hope this article helped someone who maybe is stuck making money with Clickbank. If your not making money yet, take a look at what method your doing and switch it up. Don’t expect to send out one ad, solo or one review article and expect to make money. It takes hard work to make money online just like it does offline. The same rules apply online as they do offline. If you have different methods you would like to share or any questions, I would love to hear about them below.




5 thoughts on “How To Make Money With Clickbank”

    1. It is and it has made a lot of people rich too. The only problem I think with Clickbank is that you got weed out the bad products from the good which isn’t hard if you know what your doing.

  1. Hey, regarding Clickbank – are there any recommendations about improving conversions on a non-niche webpage? I have a image sharing website and as such it is very to match offers to the visitor. Best wishes

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