What I’ve Been Into

I know I haven’t updated in a while. It’s been a busy past couple of months for me. I have my full time work that has required a lot of my attention and also if I am always on this site I can’t be building web properties to make me cash.

I’ve been devoting all my time to try to start building an Amazon website. It’s a niche site around musical instruments (I’ll update you on that later on). I found myself not really wanting to write the content.(To be honest about it, it bored me). So I started looking into hiring content writers. I came across a neat site called CrowdContent.com

You ever hear “you get what you paid for”?  Well that’s the truth. I’ve tried hiring people from fiverr for content but to be honest I think it was spun content and it didn’t even make sense. But on CrowdContent I’ve been thoroughly impressed with my content so far. So if your wanting to build a website but you don’t have no content check them out.

This past month (August) has been my slowest money making month in a long time. I brought in a few hundred from Adsense and couple hundred from Clickbank but nothing to write home about.

The Traffic Exchange Method I talked about in a earlier post (Click Here To Read) did not pan out so it didn’t work for me. but who knows maybe I am doing something wrong. So I gave up on that method.

I’ll try to stop in and update more. Until though, I got to keep on keeping on..

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