Whats Been Going On….The Google Update, Twitter, Earnings and More

So I haven’t wrote much lately well mostly because I haven’t had nothing to write about. I guess I could be giving my review of products and so forth but to be honest I mainly been using blackhatworld link packages and making Web 2.0’s and building links to my adult websites. I haven’t really done no link building with this site though.

Google Update

The Big Update From Google

Well apparently from what I read and what I could tell there was a big algorithm update from Google around March 10th or so. Google said: “As with any update, some sites may note drops or gains. There’s nothing wrong with pages that may now perform less well. Instead, it’s that changes to our systems are benefiting pages that were previously under-rewarded.”  So that was google confirming the change, I did notice changes and not for the better with some of my sites they dropped some. What I find odd or weird about the recent changes especially for the adult world is that Google books and news show up for adult related material. I don’t know about you but If I am looking for adult fun I am not going to want to read google books. So I think that will change in time but until then I guess I have no choice but to wait it out or look for more sources of traffic. For the life of me I can not seem to rank on Bing Or Yahoo either so I dunno. My pin method works but you gotta do a lot every day and that either takes time or money. read more

Blackhat and Google

So things have been going so so lately. I haven’t made much money in fact my money has been down for over a month now which I have come to accept. I have had a website though to hit page 1 of google for some major search terms which seems very promising. I have not made any cash from it yet but I know its there and I will eventually.

Now the reason I say all this is because in times like this I used to get desperate  and try blackhat techniques that I could quickly game google so to speak in order to make quick money. I don’t do that anymore because it is just a waste of my time. However, there are games that I usually play online, like Drift Hunters they give me the excitement of the world of racing. read more

Update Time! Earnings, New Web Host, and More

I’d like to start out by saying Happy New Year! 2017 was a great year for me especially with internet marketing for small business. I made more than ever have online, I’ve made a lot of new friends online and things look even better for the new year. So where do we begin…


My earning for 2017 where my best ever online but year ended terrible for me. My earnings collapsed on all my revenue generators. I spent most of December trying to control the bleeding just from big spenders not spending and less traffic . Finally, towards the end of the month, I witnessed a significant increase in traffic, and as of today, my earnings are making a comeback in my struggling online business. This turnaround follows my discovery of valuable insights from Goldco, which have significantly contributed to the recent resurgence in my earnings. Additionally, I’ve been exploring options, such as Can I make my own paystub? to better manage my finances.  For further increase in sales in the online business, you may read this article for more helpful tips. Here you will learn how to do bookkeeping the right way for your business profit management. Additionally, I recommend checking out Outlookindia for valuable insights. If you want to manage your finances better, consider using tools to generate your check stubs. read more

It’s Been A While And This Is What I Been Doing

Hello and I am sorry I haven’t updated this blog in a very long time. It’s almost been a year and a half so I apologize. Since then I have been really busy in my personal life and professional life. I’ve gotten married this past year and I have went through a big change in my day job. I went from a job that pays me $25 an hour to a job that pays me $9.00 an hour.

So your probably thinking why the big change? To sum it up my qualifications didn’t match the job that they was paying me to do so I was let go (that’s the short answer). So I started a new career and when you start a new career you start out on the bottom job wise and money wise. read more

Update On What I Been Doing

It’s been a few weeks since I last wrote you so I thought I better drop a line. You know a lot of times I don’t get a chance to where I stay busy at my other job but now is better than no time I guess. I write a lot about all the different methods I try online and sometimes I don’t write you about all of them because they are not working for me yet.

I actually have been concentrating on my Amazon websites and really nothing else. One is in the music niche and the other in the health/weight loss niche. I built one site with exact domain name match + reviews. It was for a ten dollar book which all marketers will tell you to start with something over $100 because there is not a enough commissions in the $10 stuff, I wanted to see if I could rank it high because obviously most marketers are not going to fool with it. I figured if no one is pushing it as a website, it could be like a mini niche site that would stay at the top for a while and catch me some amazon buyers. Well a few months later I am still waiting on that. Some people would say “you need to write more content”. I’ve at least 5 articles on the page and to be honest I haven’t put much effort into ranking it. As I was writing this I started thinking of ways to monetize it and it just hit me “I forgot to put a sign up sheet on that site” That means I have successfully ruined my chances of getting the 15 or so visitors that web page gets per day back. You should always build a list and I messed that up well I fixed it today. read more

What I’ve Been Into

I know I haven’t updated in a while. It’s been a busy past couple of months for me. I have my full time work that has required a lot of my attention and also if I am always on this site I can’t be building web properties to make me cash.

I’ve been devoting all my time to try to start building an Amazon website. It’s a niche site around musical instruments (I’ll update you on that later on). I found myself not really wanting to write the content.(To be honest about it, it bored me). So I started looking into hiring content writers. I came across a neat site called CrowdContent.com read more

Having An Online Business Verses A Brick and Mortar Store

I am an online marketer but I also have/had a real business offline too. I’ve pretty much gave up on the brick and mortar stores though. Although I am sure there is a hefty award if you work at it long enough, I prefer my online businesses like this blog which has new employees I pay using a new software to create pay stubs.

I try to explain it to people like this. In my local area there is probably a couple of thousand people in a 15 mile radius. There is only so many you can sale too, but the online world there is billions I have to opportunity to reach out too. Sure I can get a franchise and keep repeating my offline business but to me there is so much more work involved and you have to rely on so many other people to help you. My online business I do pay for services from others but most of those things are automated and pretty hard to mess up. When your counting on people to a paint job for example, sometimes they do bad work. read more