The Book That Inspired Me

Everybody has that one book or quote that they think is life changing or it inspires you when you feel like giving up. The book that changed me was “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”

it showed me the difference of thinking between rich people and poor people. The book that inspired me though and showed me how to actually make money is “The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ Demarco.

MJ pretty much lays out how you can make money early on in your life and retire young by taking the fastlane instead of working and saving all your life and taking the slower or slow lane.

MJ even takes a knock at “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by saying the author Robert Kiyosaki’ didn’t get rich by following the book, he got rich by writing the book. Which to be honest is how Robert made a lot of cash but I am not certain if that is how he got rich. 

This book doesn’t make getting rich sound easy either. He is quite honest speaking through his own trials of succeeding. He talks about not hanging out with his friends so he could stay home and learn HTML code. He also is honest about how many nights he spent up working and perfecting his method but he is also not shy about admitting how much money it made him in the end and his fast cars.

I love the straight forward wisdom and honesty that MJ gives in this book. I’ve been a sucker for the self help books all my life but he even takes a dig at “The Secret” and reveals his own secrets about getting wealthy which are more truthful.

If your looking for a good read or something to inspire you I say give it a chance it might change you like it changed me.



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