Easy Clickbank Method

I get many questions and most of them are “What’s a method I can use to make money online?” One way that many people use to make money online is by making a review videos of Clickbank products.

Things you will need

1. Clickbank account

2. Product

3. Youtube Account

4. Screenr.com (record your web browser)

5. Hitleap

This is a real easy Clickbank method that many people bank on. What you do is find a good product on Clickbank (make sure it is popular and has gravity, you don’t want to be reviewing something that no one wants). Buy it (yeah I know your trying to make money but if you want to make money you got to spend money). Some people ask the owner or vendor for a review copy but I find it’s best just to go ahead and buy it. Use the product for a few days.

After getting comfortable with the product make a review video. If it has a membership area use Screenr and show people inside the membership area or the software in action  . If it is just an ebook or info product talk about what you learned from the ebook.

Make sure to put your affiliate link in the description and share your video. After your video has been up for a few weeks use Hitleap. If you can afford it go ahead and get Premium Lite (it’s like $3 monthly) that way when you get views from Hitleap its anonymous. What this does is help rank your video. The more views you have the higher the ranking you will have.

It might take a while but pretty soon when someone looks for a review of the product your video will show up. Since they are looking at reviews that means they are already interested in purchasing the product.

You can also use this method for Amazon products as well.

2 thoughts on “Easy Clickbank Method”

  1. This article is very helpful. I’ve never really felt comfortable making a youtube video, but I think now that it is necessary in order to promote. Thank you for the helpful advice!

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