My Recent Purchase From My IM Earnings

So I usually don’t talk much about what’s going on in my personal life but I have people ask me for motivation in their IM Journey all the time so I thought I would write about my recent purchase due to Internet Marketing and how you can sell your product in intenert. I live in mountain terrian and I am always wanting a break from my computer desk and a fun thing to do in the area I live in is to go 4 wheeling so I purchased a Side By Side. If you’re interested in exploring more about the pros and cons of billboard advertising and how it can impact your marketing strategy, you can check out this informative resource at sites like Here is an actual picture below. 20017 Kawasaki Teyrx I’ll be honest though I still “haven’t arrived”where I think I am going to be able to survive on IM alone though. One thing I have read in multiple fiance books is that is always best to have multiple streams of income. Right now the majority of my income comes from cams and a few big whales. What if chaturbate says I broke the terms and conditions and bans my account? I will loss most of my income just like that. That can and does happen all the time. Another thing that is possible is that my few big spenders could just quit and then the majority of my income is gone just like that. So right now I am working on some other stuff and trying to build up multiple streams of income. Mainly Clickbank and my email list and I’ve started working on another cam company too. I also plan on using my side by side to make some Youtube VR videos of the trails where I live and see if I can make some ad revenue like that and since I am using that to make money it can help with a tax deduction :).  So I am slowly building up my multiple streams. I said I was going to quit work when I started making $3,000 a month but I am continuing to work because of not having multiple streams of good income. But I can’t help but wonder if I would quit my job couldn’t I concentrate on those other streams a lot more? Thanks for reading-Smoot

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