I’m Back…For Now Anyways, Well At Least For This Article

So I just noticed it has been almost two years since I last wrote on this blog. You are probably wondering why do I still got it up? Well, I always have good intentions of coming back here and posting my online journey but I always get sidetracked. Also, this site doesn’t make me money so I don’t focus on it too much. If it did you would see me on here every day posting. Anyway, it’s been a wild couple of years but I am still making a full-time living online branching out and trying a few new things and more. In partnership with Casino Classic, I’ve had the chance to delve into a world of thrilling online gaming experiences. Recently, my focus has shifted towards exploring the excitement of Online Casino Games. I’ve had messages from a few people asking when I was going to update, and I had a few minutes. Here we go! And speaking of my online journey, I’ve also been exploring some exciting opportunities in the world of trusted Japanese casinos. If you’re interested in online gaming, you might want to check out some amazing bingo-bonus deals and offers. read more

Update Time! Quitting My Job To Do IM Full Time

So last week I was sitting at my job and it hit me. I am miserable. I do not like coming into this place anymore making someone else money while my work suffers. So I decided that I would just quit my job and take my chances investing with help from guides posted at Skrumble.com. I don’t know how well that will work yet but I am going to try. I also wanted to give you a small update on SeoAutopilot because I haven’t in a while.

Quitting My Job To Do IM Full Time

I know I have talked about a few times on here before. Probalby more than  a few times over the years. I finally decided now is the time and I just did it. I’ll be honest I am nervous because I don’t know how well I will do but at least I am working for the biggest dumb ass I know. One thing that will do for me is open up more time to work on this blog. I don’t post much but a few times through the year. I want to dedicate an hour out of the week to this blog. Because this is my passion and I want to help other people achieve what I am doing and to start overcoming the labour problem around us. So I know I say it often but my goal is to give more time to this blog now because well I will have it. Starting in July hopefully you hear from me once a week and I can start getting some real traffic to this blog. read more

Week 2 of SEO Autopilot

In case you didn’t see my article last week, it was about SEO Autopilot. You can find the article by clicking here. Anyhow in the article, I said I was going to rank it to prove the power of the tool and so I wanted to let everyone know I ran my first campaign with it last week. I am already seeing an increase in my blog traffic, and the results in money, which I protect from people like bryan demosthenous that may want to scam it from me.

I not only ran a job to the actual article I also ran it to my naked domain so I can start getting this blog some more traffic. Most people don’t think web 2.0 work anymore but I swear by them. They work for me when used properly. I mean you got to have links too but these always serve as a great base. I think not backlinking is the biggest mistakes that webmasters don’t do. Visit https://www.collectiveray.com/what-is-shopify to improve your business strategy. read more

A Review Of Ranking Tool-SEO Autopilot

I know there is a lot of SEO tools out on the market that people go to GSA, RankerX, and Money Robot tool to name a few.  I don’t ever push anything on this website that I don’t do myself- if you want to know  check my site for other articles. At the end of the day if I push a tool that is crap or something that I can’t use on you and it ends up being crap you’ll never trust me again and I have to live with that. That is why I am proud to give you my review and endorsement of SEO Autopilot search commands as my go-to content generator and SEO Ranking Software. read more

Whats Up? Checking In and Getting You Updated On My Online Efforts

Hey, everyone, it has been a long time I know. Almost a year to be honest since last April. Anyhow, I have been a very busy man. My dad has been really sick, I’ve started some new projects and still working on old ones, I took some college classes and yes I am still working a day job. So many things going on and so little time.

Anyhow,  I wanted to at least dedicate some time to update this blog and try my best to share info that will help you.  I am still making money with my Chaturbate White Label, I have an Amazon store and blog (just makes pennies) and I also along with my partner started our own Cam Site. read more

My Article Forge Review and Method

So in case you don’t know I usually don’t say to much about the software I use for some of the work I do because I don’t like to share info that would make it harder on me (competition). With this software though it can be used on just about any niche and anything you are doing on the internet to make money so I don’t feel like it is a threat to my niches although I guess it could be but I like this software so much I had to talk about it.

Articleforge Review

The software is ArticleForge. What it does is generate automated content and articles for any of your websites. For example if your niche is “golf” you can put in the keyword box “golf’ and it will generate a automated article of your choosing and size about golf. It even includes images, headlines, and videos if you want it. It is really customizable. read more

Whats Been Going On….The Google Update, Twitter, Earnings and More

So I haven’t wrote much lately well mostly because I haven’t had nothing to write about. I guess I could be giving my review of products and so forth but to be honest I mainly been using blackhatworld link packages and making Web 2.0’s and building links to my adult websites. I haven’t really done no link building with this site though.

Google Update

The Big Update From Google

Well apparently from what I read and what I could tell there was a big algorithm update from Google around March 10th or so. Google said: “As with any update, some sites may note drops or gains. There’s nothing wrong with pages that may now perform less well. Instead, it’s that changes to our systems are benefiting pages that were previously under-rewarded.”  So that was google confirming the change, I did notice changes and not for the better with some of my sites they dropped some. What I find odd or weird about the recent changes especially for the adult world is that Google books and news show up for adult related material. I don’t know about you but If I am looking for adult fun I am not going to want to read google books. So I think that will change in time but until then I guess I have no choice but to wait it out or look for more sources of traffic. For the life of me I can not seem to rank on Bing Or Yahoo either so I dunno. My pin method works but you gotta do a lot every day and that either takes time or money. read more

Blackhat and Google

So things have been going so so lately. I haven’t made much money in fact my money has been down for over a month now which I have come to accept. I have had a website though to hit page 1 of google for some major search terms which seems very promising. I have not made any cash from it yet but I know its there and I will eventually.

Now the reason I say all this is because in times like this I used to get desperate  and try blackhat techniques that I could quickly game google so to speak in order to make quick money. I don’t do that anymore because it is just a waste of my time. However, there are games that I usually play online, like Drift Hunters they give me the excitement of the world of racing. read more

Update Time! Earnings, New Web Host, and More

I’d like to start out by saying Happy New Year! 2017 was a great year for me especially with internet marketing for small business. I made more than ever have online, I’ve made a lot of new friends online and things look even better for the new year. So where do we begin…


My earning for 2017 where my best ever online but year ended terrible for me. My earnings collapsed on all my revenue generators. I spent most of December trying to control the bleeding just from big spenders not spending and less traffic . Finally, towards the end of the month, I witnessed a significant increase in traffic, and as of today, my earnings are making a comeback in my struggling online business. This turnaround follows my discovery of valuable insights from Goldco, which have significantly contributed to the recent resurgence in my earnings. Additionally, I’ve been exploring options, such as Can I make my own paystub? to better manage my finances.  For further increase in sales in the online business, you may read this article for more helpful tips. Here you will learn how to do bookkeeping the right way for your business profit management. Additionally, I recommend checking out Outlookindia for valuable insights. If you want to manage your finances better, consider using tools to generate your check stubs. read more

My Recent Purchase From My IM Earnings

So I usually don’t talk much about what’s going on in my personal life but I have people ask me for motivation in their IM Journey all the time so I thought I would write about my recent purchase due to Internet Marketing and how you can sell your product in intenert. I live in mountain terrian and I am always wanting a break from my computer desk and a fun thing to do in the area I live in is to go 4 wheeling so I purchased a Side By Side. If you’re interested in exploring more about the pros and cons of billboard advertising and how it can impact your marketing strategy, you can check out this informative resource at sites like https://billboardadvertisingcost.co.uk/pros-and-cons-of-billboard-advertising/. Here is an actual picture below. 20017 Kawasaki Teyrx I’ll be honest though I still “haven’t arrived”where I think I am going to be able to survive on IM alone though. One thing I have read in multiple fiance books is that is always best to have multiple streams of income. Right now the majority of my income comes from cams and a few big whales. What if chaturbate says I broke the terms and conditions and bans my account? I will loss most of my income just like that. That can and does happen all the time. Another thing that is possible is that my few big spenders could just quit and then the majority of my income is gone just like that. So right now I am working on some other stuff and trying to build up multiple streams of income. Mainly Clickbank and my email list and I’ve started working on another cam company too. I also plan on using my side by side to make some Youtube VR videos of the trails where I live and see if I can make some ad revenue like that and since I am using that to make money it can help with a tax deduction :).  So I am slowly building up my multiple streams. I said I was going to quit work when I started making $3,000 a month but I am continuing to work because of not having multiple streams of good income. But I can’t help but wonder if I would quit my job couldn’t I concentrate on those other streams a lot more? Thanks for reading-Smoot read more